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Joined: April 28, 2007
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Posted: Post subject: Home nudity with an unforgiving partner. |
I am a closet nudist--- quite old but in good condition , My problem is having a wife that thinks nudity is crude and crass. It's ok if I am on my own , walking around the house, or, by the pool, although I always get that LOOK -- -- when she knows i am in the nude. Recently whilst swimming in the pool I had visitors --wifey was out shopping -- being a little embarrassed at being caught ---errrrr--- with my pants down --I stayed close to the pool edge --to hide my embarrasment --- the people that called were friends so it wasn't too much of a problem ---
The wife of the visiting couple insisted I get out of the pool, saying that if I were a true nudist -- closet or otherwise ---I shouldn't be ashamed --- to cut a long story short, I complied --- standing there in all my glory ---slighty aroused --and showing it --- we sat and chatted for a while --about nothing in particular -- when my wife arrived home from shopping ----she went absolutely ballistic ----- saying I was having S-- with others etc etc.
So after that little episode I have been very careful about my nudity, although --and -- unknown to my wife i have visited the friends that called that day --because it turns out that they are nudists as well and we have have spent a few good hours together.
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Joined: May 21, 2008
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`Hang in there. My first wife was that way about it and it almost caused me to give nudism up. I'm glad I did'nt. My wife now likes it as long as the kids are not around. Enjoy the moments you get and its great you found some friends to share it with.
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 willyneu1 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Good to here your experience with the unexpected visitors while your wife was out shopping. Had she been home when they arrived you would never have know you shared common nudist interests. I have never been to a nudist camp but did belong to a club in chicago. i attended a couple of house parties & even hosted one on one occasion.
When I got married in 1993, we know a couple who hosted a winter party with a beach theme. It was clothing optional or swimsuits. While my wife had been to a nudist camp which th host before we were married, she was not interested in removing her suit. While we sleep in the nude & walk through the home nude she is not interested in going to a nude event.
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Joined: August 8, 2008
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`My wife is pretty much the same way, even though I am sitting here in front of the computer totally nude while she lays in bed watching tv... LOL
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Joined: July 30, 2006
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`My new girlfriend is impressing me every time we get together. She is totally comfortable being nude all evening and even going out back to the patio nude. True test will come when we go to our first biker party together in a few weeks. She says she won't in public, but maybe. She says its okay if I get nude though.
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Joined: August 21, 2007
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Posted: Post subject: nudism with others |
My wife is use to me going nude now. She didn't like it at 1st. I am naked alot now at home. I want to go to a get-to-gether that is an all-nude gathering. I would enjoy experiencing that with out her.
My wife would not approve nor would she accompany me if she did...she does not enjoy nudity at all.
I would try it and may undress right away or take my time after talking with others after awhile then undress.
I went to a nude beach once alone without her knowledge. I was overwhelmed at how good I felt with others around nude too. I wasn't into meeting anyone at that time but would like to now. Perhaps around a pool with a few other men and women or indoors at someone's home in the same senario.
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Joined: July 30, 2006
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`My first visit to a resort was wonderful.
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 nudeinnj_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: It is not easy. |
When a spouse doesn't understand the joys of being nude.
I wish I had some sort of advise to give, but I don't other than girls seem to have more of a problem with nudity than guys.
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 newnudecouple (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`hi i was in the same situation as you, then wife went nude in the hotter months .After that we went to a local nude beach and she just took her top off and i went nude.We go to nude beaches a few times in summer and on one occasion she went nude without me pestering her lol now she goes nude alot..BUT I WANT TO ASK YOU,,WHY DIDNT UR FRIENDS DEFEND YOU AND SAY TO UR WIFE IT WAS ONLY NUDISM AND ALSO WHY WHY DIDNT THE WIFE OF UR FRIEND DISCUSS WITH UR WIFE THAT THEY R NUDISTS..Maybe if she sees the other wifes point of view she may come around to it or even tolerate ur nudism
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Joined: July 2, 2010
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Posted: Post subject: closet nudism with unforgiving partner |
I am in the same boat, my wife of 25 years, can't stand it when i walk or sit around the house in the buff! even though i have never given her reason to think it, she feels that nudist are more likely to cheat on their spouse. I don't know what to do either!
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 mossytrail (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Why is it always the wife who has a problem with a nudist husband, never the other way 'round?
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Joined: January 23, 2011
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`My late wife was the same way. She thought nudity was crude, rude and disgusting. I wasn't a closet nudist so to speak because on weekends during my down time on the road I'ld find places where nudity was accepted. Now that she's gone I use my time off being naked when ever I get the chance to visit camps and resorts. Being a truck driver it's not always easy to get a rig into a camp.
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Joined: November 30, 2011
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` I'm in the same boat my wife doesn't like nudiity so my nude time is limited to when she's at work and she has the same days off as i so I'm all covered up on those days
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 dapoppaman (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I can be nude momentarily when spouse is here, however I need to wait until she is gone to enjoy complete nudity
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Joined: May 21, 2012
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`When the kids are gone you might try having S-- with the wife on the couch then, when she starts to get dressed after, you say "what's the hurry, the kids don't come home from school for a while."
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